Saturday 15 October 2011

I Dreamt So Much of You

(for Nadja)

I dreamt so much of you
my hands grew molten,
my mouth a wild cave
with murmurs overrun.

Your loving tongue lulled me
undone. Your eyelashes
stroking my cheek
like a lacquered brush.

Here are your fingers
entwined with my own,
persuasions of words
half-known, electric desires.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Starfish Soup

(for Nadja)

She broke in and
on the table under a sheen

was a bowl of starfish soup
waiting to be eaten.

One finger she dipped in,
one finger in the warm tureen.

Come little stars
she heard her lips say,

come all silkily come
onto my finger and dance.